In Ethiopia, the population per primary health care facility is 27,456, which is three times higher than in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. (WHO)

The health status of Ethiopia is poor, even when related to other low-income countries including those in Sub-Saharan Africa. The population suffers from a huge burden of potentially preventable diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, intestinal parasites, acute respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases. The health indicators are generally poor, though there are improvements observed.

Statistics on hospital admissions are not readily available. Health sector reviews, however, indicate that patients suffering from HIV/AIDS-related conditions may occupy more than 50% of hospital beds at any given time. Other conditions responsible for admission include tuberculosis, malaria, respiratory infections, trauma, pregnancy-related conditions and complications of measles.

A great deal of the population in Ethiopia, specially children below the age of five,  are suffering from different  disease infections and most of them have no access  to medical facilities.

SHAPEthiopia has been doing lots of activities in the last twelve years to tackle this huge problem of the country among children who are from a very poor economical background, in rural southern Ethiopia. Through its H.O.P.E. Child Development Program, SHAPEthiopia has been providing free medical services and annual medical screening to 900 children in six districts of Sidama and Wolayta Zones and Hawassa and Arba Minch town administrations.

SHAPEthiopia’s strategy aims to improve the quality of management of childhood illness and linking preventive and curative services so that programs such as immunization, nutrition and control of malaria and other diseases are implemented in an integrated approach, focusing on the well-being of children.

The strategy aims to reduce mortality, illness and disability and promote improved growth and development and its final goal to enable our children to productive and successful in life.