A great way to support our efforts is to sponsor a child. Our H.O.P.E. Child Development Program serves the most vulnerable children through education, nutrition, hygiene, medical care, and personal assistance (providing supplementary clothes and shoes). Our H.O.P.E. Centers are staffed with amazing mentors who work with the children throughout a week.SHAPEthiopia is partnering with a U.S.-based non-profit organization to facilitate and manage our Child Sponsorship Program in the U.S.

To sponsor a child through our Minnesota based partner, go to www.pwesponsorship.org to see the waiting children. Your gift of $38 a month will change the life of a deserving child whose greatest dream is just to go to school. All donations are tax-deductible. To learn more about Partners With Ethiopia (PWE), go to www.partnerswithethiopia.org.